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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Warrantless wiretapping, so shouldn't the evidence get thrown out? A true version of the Donald Sterling Case

In today's society men are quick to throw American laws and our way of life under scrutiny, for the better social outcomes. But who is to be the judge in what is best for our society? Is that not what the U.S. Constitution was set up to protect. Yes!

In the recent allegations against Donald sterling the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers has put a damper on the playoffs, and taking the focus away from the players who truly deserve our attention. As one who loves the game of basketball I also love my country coming together. However, not when it is against my country's principles, which gives us the freedom's we all enjoy today.

Albeit not many would agree with the words Donald sterling shared, but they were not shared with the public. The alleged recording that was released by TMZ is and will be listened to very closely by many, in the NBA claims they have already done so and concluded their investigation.

What most in the media are doing is trying to salvage the reputation of our media Giants. By claiming they are asserting the public view points they are not adhering to our nation's laws and have destroyed our focus concerning our true issues. America was getting so close to be coming United against this fraud which is labeled democracy.

The NBA is now openly  propagating democratic rule by showing why our founding fathers despised democracy. Our founding fathers held is viewpoint was because a democracy would allow the majority and take away property or businesses away from people who shared views they did not agree with. What makes our republic what it is today, is the strength, honor, and integrity to protect an individuals right to own property regardless of what they may say in public.

The reason we should not be so quick to judge Donald sterling on this matter, is the fact that this recording surfaced in the media because his girlfriend who allegedly embezzled 1.8 million dollars when she secretly recorded him talking to her in private, and many believe she only released it to get even with his him and his family.

My opinion his girlfriend should not only beat in center of the story she should be doing interviews if this is how she thinks Donald sterling truly feels. Because what she has done will take years if not decades for the Sterling family and the family known as the NBA to repair their image and credibility. Someone who takes this type of action 2 destroy someone because they have been caught doing something criminal. I believe we were all told growing up that two wrongs don't make a right.

In today decision by the NBA and its commissioner Adam Silver they acted swiftly but maybe to quickly to judge a successful man, banning him from his passion a basketball for life.  I am one who is not standing beside what he said but understands that we all have a right to an opinion especially in our private conversations.

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I hope the nba can take a step back and realize that they are forcing the hand of democracy. I for one know that we are not a democratic country, and if you believe we are, may I suggest you get the f*** out. Think about what you are encouraging by demanding him to step down as Owner, you are allowing this criminals' criminal act to sway the public's attention away from her wicked ways. 

I call upon Eric Holder and Barack Obama not to stand up and claim that he's ignorant and repulsive for making these comments, because in the courtroom, or at least according to the law of the United States, this audio recording would get dismissed as evidence by every judge in America! 
Sounds like the NBA is userpting the US Constitution, and doing so in the "best interest of our league."

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